Light and shade

Light and shade by Sudipto Sarkar on Visioplanet

Creative Commons License
Photoblog Awards

This is the first picture (possibly the only one I’ll upload here) I took after I got to Kolkata for an exam. The hydrogen lamp white balance is a good thing and I’d been trying to use it for quite some time. But this was probably the right moment. The contrast between the well lit and the not so well lit areas came up beautifully. The only drawback – the camera’s not an SLR and with the low light intensity, the shutter speed went to as long as a second which turned the man walking in the middle to a blur.

Exposure f/2.7 1 sec
ISO 100
Date taken 2011:01:14
Camera Canon PowerShot A1100 IS
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  1. @danou @magiceye 🙂 Thanks guys..

    @AYearInMyGarden I can actually, but upto 400, the shutter was still 1 sec. And going above that would only make it grainy. So I stuck with 100..

  2. amazing atmosphere and mood thanks to the warm colours and the great light! if you hadn't pointed out the man i wouldn't even have noticed him! so, no harm done … ;-))

  3. A picture perfect night. The truth is that I love night photography. I find it very warm and mysterious. A beautiful image that powerfully attracts the eye. Best regards, Adela

  4. An interesting effect caused by the varying color of the light. The whiter light looks more "normal" to our eyes. Having recently spent two weeks in Hong Kong, I found a lot of florescent lighting which gave a green hue to images. Thank goodness for raw files. 🙂

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