An Indian cormorant drying its wings

An Indian cormorant drying its wings

This Indian cormorant (Phalacrocorax fuscicollis) was drying its wings in the backwaters of Palolem. I spotted it after we fed the kites and eagles. I ran a search on Merlin to figure out which species this bird was, but was not sure if it was an Indian cormorant (which is apparently uncommon) or a Little black cormorant. Photos from other angles, however blurry, helped with the confirmation.

I have this plugin running here that auto-publishes to social networks once I publish a post. It does not, however, has support for hashtags, which if you’ve been visiting, would know I wrote a fix for a while back. They made an update, and I, not remembering that the update would rewrite my changes, updated it and lost the hashtag support. 😑. So the last few posts didn’t have the hashtags… Thankfully, I had the code in my drive (had to look for it for quite a while), so I reapplied my changes on top of the update and I’m good to go. 😁

Another good news, as far as the plugin is concerned, apparently WordPress only allows open source plugins in its repository. That means I could upload a new plugin with my changes for hashtags. I know some of you use wordpress for hosting your photoblogs too. Lemme know in the comments if you’d have some use for this plugin and I’ll upload it to the wordpress plugin repository…

Exposure f/5.0 1/250 sec
ISO 100
Focal Length in 35mm 375
Date taken 2018:10:21 10:55:12
Camera NIKON D3200
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