Shiny wooden vases

Shiny wooden vases

Yes, these shiny vases are not made from metal. They’re wooden. I was confused when I saw them, as they were in a wood works’ shop. These are some of the awesome crafted stuff from the Shilparamam arts and crafts village.

The place has plenty of shops relating to wood, metal, clay and glass. There’s a few flower gardens too. Sadly, they require a ‘do not pluck’ sign.

P.S. The blue shine is because they were covered under a blue plastic roof.

Exposure f/1.8 1/100 sec
ISO 400
Focal Length in 35mm 75
Date taken 2018:07:28 16:41:43
Camera NIKON D3200
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  1. Incredible wooden vases that you’ve captured in this nice still life! I never would have thought they were wooden given their shiny appearance.

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